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Rapid Drugs Test: detects the presence of 7 major drugs

The NARCONTROL drugs test is a chromatographic immunoassay for the rapid detection of 7 of the major drugs targeted at young people and teenagers.

The NARCONTROL drugs test reveals the presence or otherwise of psychotropic substances and their main metabolites on the surfaces of frequently used personal effects (such as keys, toothbrush, glasses or watch.)

The NARCONTROL drugs test was developed to provide clarification on drug use without the need for laboratory analysis.  It enables testing to be done confidentially in the privacy of the home without requiring external evaluation.

The NARCONTROL drugs test is fast, safe and discrete.  In a moderate smoker, the use of cannabis can be detected up to 5 days later.  In a heavy smoker, it can be detected up to 10 days later and in a chronic smoker, cannabis can be detected up until 20 days after use.

Amphetamines, methamphetamine and ecstasy can be detected from 1 to 3 day after use.  Cocaine can be detected from 1 to 4 days later and opiate from 2 to 3 days after use.

Test antidroga rapida. Rileva la presenza di 7 droghe diverseThe testing device is made up of a plastic casing containing 7 testing strips, the tips of which are protected by a removable cap that guards against damage or contamination.  Each strip is clearly marked in a reaction zone window  to identify which drug it is being testing and to show the results individually.


la droga spezza la vita

Narcontrol Test Antidroga: Notizie


Primocanale: I test antidroga nelle farmacie di Genova

Pubblicazione di un intervista in data 28-06-2008, sull' emittente privata Primocanale, a diffusione regionale

Per guardare il video cliccare il seguente link
I test antidroga nelle farmacie di Genova

Rileva tutte queste famiglie di droghe: